Let's get social!

starting at 5:30pm at Grace UMC
Rainbow Coffee House is a safe space and time every Thursday evening for 7th grade and up school aged LGBTQIA+ youth to gather, relax, enjoy and connect with a community. Our mission is to build resilience in LGBTQIA+ youth through healthy peer relationships, empowerment, leadership development, education, community outreach, and advocacy.
Rainbow Coffee House began as a dream of the Reconciling Ministry at Grace UMC who wanted to create safe space for the LGBTQIA+ youth of Billings to come and be themselves together. In partnership with MSU-B Campus Ministries, and other churches/organizations in Billings, we opened our doors in January of 2015.
Interested in finding ways to help? Contact us at rainbowcoffeehouse@gmail.com

406 Allies
406 Pride Allies is a support group on Facebook and an in-person support group for parents, siblings, and allies of LGBTQ+ persons. Request to join the private 406 Allies facebook page at 406 Allies (Invitation Page). 406 Allies is a resource for non-LGBTQ+ parents, siblings, and allies who are seeking ways to process the coming out of an LGBTQ+ loved one and to increase our capacity to support our LGBTQ+ loved ones.
406 Allies meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings each month at the 406 Pride Resource Center in Billings, MT, from 7-8:30 pm.
406 Pride Resource Center
The 406 Pride Resource Center is located at 310 N. 27th Street in the North/West corner of Billings First UCC. The Resource Center is a space for LGBTQ+ people and allies to find community resources; parenting support; a meeting space for LGBTQ+ organizations; and community and fellowship.
Billings Transgender Alliance
The Billings Transgender Alliance is a support and discussion group for individuals of gender diversity, their allies and supportive families. This is an open and accepting group for individuals of all ages.
This chapter meets on the 1st Saturday and 3rd Tuesday of every month @ 6:00pm – 8:00pm in Billings, MT.
(406) 272-2253 (phone)
Key Queer Concepts
Genetic and anatomical characteristics with which youth are born, typically labeled “male” or “female.” Some youth are born with a reproductive/sexual anatomy that does not fit typical definitions of “male” or “female.” This is sometimes referred to as “intersex.” Many medical and some advocacy communities now use the term “disorder” (or sometimes, “differences”) of sex development (DSD).